Curriculum Vitae
Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa: MP 0655902
Registration with the medical council of Tunisia:12579
Member of the association of plastic and reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons of southern Africa: APRASSA
Member of the Tunisian association of plastic, Reconstructive and aesthetic surgery
- Fellow of the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery – EBOPRAS -Barcelona- May 2009
- Diploma of Specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery 13/03 /2007 – TUNISIA
- Fellowship of the French College of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 12/11/2006 – FRANCE
- Diploma de Doctorat d’état en médecine (Medicine doctor : MD) 13/03/2004 – TUNISIA
- University Diploma: Microsurgery techniques (Ecole de chirurgie; University of Paris XIII): Subject of work: facial transplant in rat 13/12/2006
- Inter-university Diploma: Anatomy applied to Plastic surgery (University of Paris V)2005-2006
- University Diploma: Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck: University of Paris V 2006-2007
- Inter-University European diploma: Medical lasers: University of Paris VI 2007-2008
- Inter – university Diploma: Hand and upper limb surgery (2 years’ diploma done in one year): University of Paris VI 2008-2009
Professional experience
- ongoing: Private practice: Sousse, Tunisia
- Consultant at the Department of Plastic Surgery, DSFH Jeddah, KSA
- Consultant and head of unit at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital and lecturer at the Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Witwatersrand
- Senior Specialist and Head of department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Witbank Hospital – South Africa
- Fellowship at the French Institute of Hand Surgery, Paris – France
- Fellowship in Aesthetic surgery with Dr Foued Hamza in aesthetic surgery in private practice in Paris – France
- Clinical Attachment at the Department of plastic surgery of Frenchay Hospital. Bristol, United Kingdom
- Fellowship at Department of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery Saint-Louis hospital, Paris – France
Residency: multiple rotations at different hospitals
- Department of head and neck surgery – Gustave Roussy Institute, Paris – France
- Department of maxillofacial and plastic surgery, Villeneuve St Georges Hospital, Paris – France
- Department of plastic and maxillofacial surgery CHU Sahloul, Sousse – Tunisia
- Department of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery Saint – Louis hospital, Paris – France
- Department of general surgery CHU Sahloul, Sousse – Tunisia
- Department of Otolaryngology and head and neck surgery CHU Farhat Hachad, Sousse – Tunisia
- Department of plastic and maxillofacial surgery CHU Tahar Sfar, Mahdia-Tunisia
Research and Publications
- Theses 2004 : Familial hypertriglyrecidemia type I : about a the discovery of a new mutation, work jointly done with the laboratory of biology of Modena Italy ( Pr Stephano betolini ) and the university of sousse
- Memoire 2005-2006 : for the purpose of obtaining the diploma of microsurgery technique: Allotransplantation of the face in rat, under the direction of Pr A.C Masquelet , University of Paris 13 , UFR Leonard De Vinci – Bobigny – France
- 2011 : Development of new device in flap surgery jointly with the BERG team from Stellenbosch University- South Africa
- Schwannome du nerf facial intraparotidien a propos d’un cas = Intraparotid Facial nerve schwannoma : Case report
- tun ORL- N17december 2006
- Coverage of extensive tibial bone exposure in burn patients with three local flaps
VOL. 54 NO. 3 JULY 2016 SAJS