Buttocks Reshaping

Buttocks reshaping

Other terms: Gluteoplasty

Ideal female buttock shape does not exist, because it depends on the ethnic group and cultural environment. Attractive buttock shape has some specific ratio between height, width and projection that are as well in direct relation to the waist.

Generally speaking a ratio of 0.7  between waist/buttocks width is found attractive by most of the people

Buttocks shape can be constituently  ill defined . However weight gain or loss, aging might change the shape of the buttocks.

Reshaping your buttocks might give you better self-esteem and body image.

Before it done:

Before it is done, your doctor will:

Take your medical history

Examine you and check your skin elasticity

Take a set of photos

And then evaluate your expectations and how this can be achieved.

How is it done?

Generally there is 3 different techniques to reshape the buttocks .

  • Fat graft or what is commonly called Brazilian Butt Lift ( BBL )
  • Silicon implants
  • Surgical buttock lift


Fat Grafting 

Fat grafting is generally associated with liposuction to define the waist and to extract enough fat that will be collected,  filtered and reinjected into the buttocks and the hips to give better curves.

This is done under general anesthesia.

Like any surgery, it carries the general risks anesthesia, infection, bleeding , bruising, deep venous thrombosis.

However it carries higher risk than other procedures of fat embolism, that could be fatal. Because of the increased demand all over the world for BBL and uncontrolled surgeries where some doctors bend to eccentric demands,  in 2017 a task force and studied the matter and conclude to guidelines to reduce the risk .

We follow the latest recommendation to ensure the safety of our patient. This is includes instruments used, volume injected, where exactly it is injected and how it is injected as well., which as safe as any other procedure according to newer studies.


Results: generally there will be fat loss of up to  40% depending on the, which will result in volume loss that will stabilize within 3 months from surgery

After the surgery:

The patient will limit activity for 2 weeks and no sitting is permitted for except for the toilet during this period.

Sleeping will be in prone position.

Compression garment will be kept for 4to 6  weeks

   Silicon implants

Silicon implants are used  in case where  there isn’t enough fat to extract and reinject or if the volume to be injected is important.

The implant can be introduced through a paramedian incisions and place under the fascia or within the gluteal muscle.

After the surgery:

Patients must avoid sitting on the buttocks for 3 weeks and must sleep in prone position. Driving is not permitted  for 4 weeks.


Buttock lift

Alternative terms: Butt lift,

It is a procedure to lift the buttocks surgically that could be done alone or included in a Belt lipectomy, lower body lift or a full body contouring.

During buttock lift excess skin is excised to allow lifting of the buttocks.

A buttock lift can be done alone or associated with butt augmentation with implants or with Fat injection.


A buttock lift poses various risks, including:

  • Fluid accumulation beneath the skin (seroma).Drainage tubes left in place after surgery can help reduce the risk of seroma.
  • Poor wound healing.Sometimes areas along the incision line heal poorly or begin to separate.
  • Scars can be fine or can become hypertrophic or even keloid.
  • Changes in skin sensation.This is can be temporary most of the time but it can be also permanentlty.
  • Like any other type of major surgery, a buttock lift poses a risk of bleeding, infection and an adverse reaction to anesthesia.
  • .

Before a buttock lift you might also need to:

  • Stop smoking.Smoking decreases blood flow in the skin and can slow the healing process. Smoking can also significantly increase your risk of complications. If you smoke, your doctor will recommend that you stop smoking before surgery and during recovery.
  • Avoid certain medications.You will likely need to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements, which can increase bleeding.
  • Maintain a stable weight.Ideally, you will maintain a stable weight for at least six to 12 months before having a buttock lift. Significant weight loss after the procedure can affect your results.
  • Arrange for help during recovery.Make plans for someone to drive you home after surgery and stay with you as you begin to recover.